I'm probably going to get chased with torches by a mob of angry women for showing you how to lay a good trap...but eh...I'm feeling generous today :)
And if I see one more cliche, black leather sofa and Ikea coffee table I.Will.Scream.
Please don't get me wrong...it takes a lot more than a swanky crib to impress a lady of substance...but trust me, you want us to feel comfortable in your place. And having a nice place definitely gives you cool points.
But if not for the ladies (or gents...whichever you prefer, sugah), do it for yourself...Your mood is effected by your surroundings. So whether you want your home to reflect who you are now or how you intend to live one day, let your decor represent your impeccable taste and gracious spirit. You'd be amazed how much order and satisfaction will come to your life when your home isn't in disarray.
**whisper**These are in no particular order so the images may seem scattered. Frankly, I'm tired, its dreary and cold outside, and I just don't feel like organizing them. So when you start to notice a lot of repeats on suggestions for furniture or colors, let's just say I'm putting emphasis on that suggestion ;) Gracias!

Colors: For a masculine feel...go with neutral colors (i.e. taupe, gray, white, beige, black, etc). Take note of this amazing wall color, the brown stained window frame and the gray area rug. The wall color looks like a saturated blue with more of a greyish tone to it. I love the big arched floor lamp and the metal mesh chair. This room doesn't look too complicated but it at least looks like the guy has some style and personality.

Great colors here. If you don't feel like making an impact with the wall color, add color in your furniture. No need to go crazy with it. Dark gray, tufted ottoman and a lighter gray animal hide rug. If the arm chair pictured is too rich for your taste, tone it down with a brown leather club chair or something more "box" shaped like the ones pictured below.

I really like the idea of putting a short folding screen behind a couch. Its a break from the typical console table. And the pivot arm floor lamp adds a nice touch. The color scheme here is beige, dark and light gray, and white. If you have huge windows like the ones here, make them look even bigger by adding white curtains with the rod flushed against the ceiling. This will elongate the window and give the room more height.

To add masculinity to your room, juice up the layers, use neutral colors, and mix materials (ie...the black acrylic lamp on a wooden carton...and the gray wool blanket with a couple brown fur throw pillows) Rich textures and deep colors. Clean lines and functionality. Solid color rugs in chunky wool or some other natural fiber. These are nice qualities in a manly room. Show some creativity by using a carton as a side table. Or turn an old metal locker on its side to use as a bench at the foot of the bed.

What can I say...this place is just sexy. Love the sectional sofa and the two chairs on the left. Notice how the designer used low furniture to emphasize the grandness of these windows. Excellent choice. And when you're this high up, you don't need curtains. Holla!

Again...can't tell you how much I love arched floor lamps. I'm not really feeling much else in this room. It screams cliche to me. But the floor lamp is a winner.
So I'm really loving this room. The metal accent wall is amazing. Nothing says "man" like metal, right?? lol jk. But really, I love the color scheme...mint green with beige and blue stripes and white. The light blue walls definitely open the room up. And notice again how flushing the curtain rod against the ceiling can give the room height.
The last photo is from this apartment's living room. Notice the use of different picture frames. Frame a couple shots from a crazy night out with the boys. Frame your favorite record (a vintage Al Green would be hot). Add quirky objects to your console table like a big "Jack" piece. Books under table lamps is also a great way to dress up a table (in a manly way of course ;)

OK...so this room is great! Love how they painted the room navy blue with a dark blue trim on the window frames and molding. The zebra print rug, the buttery leather chairs, the splash of color with the checker print throw and the flowers on the table. It is not easy to add flowers to a room and still make it look like its a man's place...but this designer pulled it off very well. Kudos!

**Random: I just wanted to show you this great sofa. So much better than your standard black leather sofa. Great combination of style and comfort.

Want something cool in your apartment?? Add something like huge chess pieces to an empty corner.

If you're gonna go all black, you gotta add some shiny things to the space. And layering texture will give the room depth and keep it from looking like a black hole. Notice the use of gold and silver. When your backdrop is black you can pretty much go for whatever color scheme you like. I love how the pillow and candle holders play off each other. And the chair screams "regal." However, the focal point of this room is the painting. Hanging a rectangular picture will either make the room look taller or wider depending on which way you hang it. Totally up to you to pick which strength you want to play up.

Now I'm no feng shui expert or anything...but I'm pretty sure its not good to have your bed against a window. But, if you're gonna do it, this room is a good one to copy. Love the Barcelona bench at the foot of the bed. Again, this room screams masculinity by mixing different materials...you got the leather bench, the velvet studded chair, the wool rug, and the wood side table and framed mirror. **Side note, leaning a huge framed mirror against a wall will totally make the room appear bigger than it is. And if you lean it against the wall adjacent to the window, the light will reflect off the mirror and really brighten up the space.

I'm really loving the matching desk and floor. And the walls look like they were painted a light gray and then sponged with denim or something. Don't the walls look like a washed denim? Am I'm just tripping?? Anywho, I love this accent wall. Gives the space a unique quality that still feels like a man.

Are you a man that's not afraid of color?? Well don't be. You can do something bold like paint the walls a glossy pea green. Not to be annoying...but again, take note of the mixed materials. The wooden chair with the leather seat, the metal bed frame... Black, brown, purple and gold go really well with the green walls.

For the man that keeps it simple...Just stick to keeping things symmetrical. If you put a side table on one side of the bed...add another one to the other side. Get two matching table lamps and hang two picture frames above the bed with wire. Tada!

Men like things big...(tee hee)...so flex your manly muscles by adding some oversized objects like these wall clocks or a big calendar.

Love the picture frames, the use of different woods, the gold, and the frame leaning against a mirror on a short stack of books. Very masculine and mature. This room is probably more suited for a man in his late 30s/early 40s. It screams "I'm a well traveled man that collects unique pieces that can stand the test of time." (lol...I don't know why that's funny to me..too young)

If you're asking yourself "Paris...if I can't have my leather sofa, what you want me to get???" Here's a great example of how to break away from the norm. This velvet sofa (I'm assuming its velvet) is amazing. You just want to snuggle up on it like a big ol teddy bear. When you finally become bored with being a bachelor and find that special lady...this is the kind of sofa that won't get tossed out along with the college bean bag chair. This is a piece of furniture that she can actually use in the new house you guys bought. One less thing to pay for after that expensive wedding and honeymoon to Figi.

For those that suffer from what I like to call the "Peter Pan Syndrome," you can still make your place a chic magnet. Sure, you might get a side eye look from having a Playboy pinball machine in your living room...but this place still looks fun and inviting. Here's another arched floor lamp but in a different style. I also like how the chairs are positioned to promote conversation. And the white animal hide rug is hawt.

So this room is entirely dark gray. But it works! You can pull this look off by adding something bright like this white fur blanket and filling up the walls with pictures framed with white matting. How perfect are the two leather stools at the foot of the bed??? Very!

Curtains too much for you to handle??? Well, you can go with a pull down shade. To avoid looking lazy and sloppy, flush it against the ceiling. What does this do to the space, class?? Yes, it gives it height.

Striped walls will also make the room appear bigger. Another great room that uses symmetry. I also like the two reading lamps on the sides of the bed...this is a cool alternative to table lamps.

Another option other than leather or velvet sofas...the microfiber sofa. They're super easy to clean and totally comfortable. I really like how the legs of this sofa and the legs on the coffee and side tables match. Very masculine looking room with the black and metal, yet it has an orchid on the coffee table. See guys, you can add some delicacy to your space without giving up your manhood. It is possible :)

I really like the black accent wall with the black table lamp against it. Simple color scheme that works for the fellas. The comforter looks really plush and ladies like plush *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

Make an otherwise boring white wall look cool by painting the doors a black lacquered color.

Love the floor-to-ceiling picture frames. And this chair is amazing. The mirrored Parsons desk is a great piece for a young man.

There's so many things I like about this room. One, the gray walls. Two, the sheer pull-down shade. Three, the mirrors along the top of the wall. Four, the big mirror to the right of the window (really makes the room look bigger). Five, the symmetry of the side tables and wall sconces. And Six, the platform bed. My only gripe: if this were a bachelor's room, I'd get shams that didn't look like they ruffle along the edges.

This is a nice way for a man to decorate his dining area. Flush a bench along the wall, add a cool rectangular table and place chairs on the other side. Notice the symmetry of the wall sconces and the mirror adjacent to the window. See all that light bouncing off the mirror and flooding the room?? Very nice :) I also like the three part picture on the wall with the window. Take a cool photo, divide it into three equal parts and frame those sections in matching frames. Tada!
Alright fellas. I've equipped you with some great examples of how to fix up your place. Don't say I never did anything for ya ;)
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